Bored to Death Book Club: #10 Lobsters

Last Friday I enjoyed another edition of the Bored to Death Book Club, hosted by the wonderful book store Donner in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. While I was still finishing Seeker from last month, I also started on Lobsters. Last Friday, we talked about Lobsters, written by Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison.

We came together at the usual spot in Donner. I was late due to work, but I fit in the circle perfectly. Everybody was already speaking up about what their thoughts on the book were. Mostly, we agreed on the fact that the book maybe missed some depth (as I explained in my review). We discussed why it was okay for a book to be shallow, but also discussed why the book isn’t shallow. The books is about teenagers and everything happening in the book means the world to teenagers. While the general age of the people visiting the Book Club was just above teenager, we all agreed to the fact that teens would maybe not experience the book as shallow.

There was a foreign man and his gf/wife, who had not read the book yet, but who somehow could talk about it as if he had read it. He was hilarious and I think he was a great addition to the group. Since the book is, in general, about love and sex, the two ACTUAL teenagers in the group were giggling and laughing the whole evening. It gave the discussing the much needed airiness.

Of course we were provided with sweets and could eat and drink whenever we wanted. The hosts were, again, amazing. The group was fun to talk with. Emily, designer of the Dutch cover of Lobsters, was there too, strongly defending the book whenever somebody said the book was shallow. I must say, the discussion was a real discussion here and there. We couldn’t all agree on the book. But we all thought it’s an amazing summer read.

I think that the evening, again, was successful. At the end we voted for the next book we’re going to read. Since we have 2 moths this time between two Book Clubs, we decided to read a series. It came down to the Caster Chronicles and Uglies. Uglies ended up winning, so I’m really looking forward to read it since I haven’t had a chance yet to do that.

I’ve you’d like to attend one of the book clubs, just search them up at Facebook. Everybody can attend.

Thank you, Donner & Bored to Death Book Club! See you all next time!



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