Bored to Death Book Club #9: Seeker

Hi guys, I just came back from the most amazing event! Today was already the 9th Bored to Death Book Club in Donner, Rotterdam. It was the first time I went, but I’m sure next time I will go again. It’s a monthly event in which Dutchies (and people from other nationalities, since we talk in English) can discuss the book they’ve read. This edition was extra special: the Dutch publishers of Seeker provided us with a free copy (OH-MY-GOD) so thank you Best of YA/VanGoor/Unieboek!

During the evening, everybody could share their thoughts about the book, Seeker by Arwen Elys Dawton, and have a nice home made snack. We hade cupcakes, brownies, stroopwaffels and many more. We talked about what we thought was GOOD about the book, but also about the things that could’ve been better. Everybody could share their personal opinion which I think is just GREAT! I haven’t finished the book though, so I got spoiled a lot. I will talk about that below this picture of the group (see me: eyes closed, promoting a very awasome T-Shirt by and of course the book):


Anyways, what thought was the following:

1) We hate John.

2) We hate Briac even more.

3) We hope that John is good in the end.

4) The books knows how to create a whole new world for its readers.

5) Some gaps have falling in the story telling.

Overal, positive reviews. There are some negative and/of mixed reviews, but I simply do not agree with them very much.

Anyways, I’ve you been here today and have blogged, tweeted, or instagrammed about i, just let me know! Here are some other pics... Thanks Kirsten van Romondt, Best of YA & Donner voor de foto’s!

p.s. The next meeting is July 10th, 19:30 in Donner Rotterdam. We’re reading Lobsters.

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