2015 reading challenge

It’s that time of year again, when all the new reading challenges are made up. It’s that time of year again, when old reading challenges have failed or succeeded. To be honest, I’ve never done a  20-something reading challenge. I feel like: reading should be fun, not a challenge. But hell with it, I’m gonna do a challenge this year. Today I talked to John – owner of “Speelboek“, a Dutch book- and toy shop – and he told me about a girl he knew who’d challenged herself to read 52 books in 2015. Meaning: 1 book, every week.

This sounds like a challenge for me. I mean: I’ve got enough books to do this challenge twice, without even having to a re-read a single book. But I think 52 books (including the ones I have to read for the Uni), is achievable. I hope…

Anyways, here are some more inspirational challenges:

– Belle’s Library
– Pop Sugar (this one is really good!!)
– Books and Chocolate  [Classics]
– Buckling Bookshelves [Banned Books]
– Samantha Lin [Authors A-Z]
– The Worm Hole [What’s in a Name?]
– Fanda Classiclit [Literary Movement]
– Roof Beam Reader [TBR Pile] (this is something for me too!!)
– Escape with Dollycas [Alphabet Soup]
– Socrate’s Book Reviews [Finishing the Series]

Enjoy the challenges and let me know which one you joined!




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