School is killing me, again, and I feel like that’s what I’m always complaining about here. So; one more time.
Today was fun. I have bought at least 15 books the last 1-2 months, also because of my birthday (people were nice enough to give me giftcards) and I also spent some money on books myself. I promised my parents to stop buying books until I’d finished all the unread books on my bookshelf. But…
… I didn’t. I went to my favorite bookstore (actually, they sell toys, books for children and books for young adults) and there was a box full of books that were priced very low (€5). I took a look and found “Snow White and the Huntsman”, the book that was made after the movie was released. I went to pay the book right away and found out I had no money. I told the salesman I’d get some money from my savingsaccount (I can actually do that with my phone) but there was no good internet signal. I told him I’d try outside the shop. Still no internet. I went back in, told him I’d be back later, because I was already late for school. At school I put money on my ‘normal’ payaccount and went back to the shop. He sold me the book and it was a happily ever after.
Back home, my sister was like: “Is this a book? AGAIN?” When I didn’t answer, she just waited in silence. After a few awkward silent seconds, she continued: “No surprise, actually.” And damn, she was right.
To get back to the subject: I have NO more money and NO time. I have exam week next week and I have a few performances the days after my exam week. NO PRESSURE, no not at all. But currently, I am reading the last part of The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa, I hope to finish it this weekend. I think I’ll be reviewing the whole series. So, please come back in 1-2 weeks, since my website will be completely full of reviews and funny posts again! Until then, maybe enjoy my Book Survey?
Love, Nanouk