It’s 2025 and I’ve been away from this blog for longer than I thought I would be. One would say: life happens. But what happened? Why haven’t I been blogging like the good ol’ days? In this blog I’m giving you a quick update. It’s not my intention to give a full life story, just a quick update on what’s been happening and why I’ve been away.

New job, new me
Over the summer of 2022, I felt like I needed to move on from my job at a commercial publishing house in Amsterdam. I’d been working there for almost 7 years by then and it was time for the next step. I moved on to a very literary publishing house, also in Amsterdam, and was sucked in immediately. Lot of energy was poured into it and I loved it.
University – starting a new MA degree
This was also around the same time that I decided, after a long battle with my quarter life crisis, to start a part time master English Literature & Culture in Amsterdam. And if I tell you I was busy… I was super busy! My job was about 36 hours per week, my classes were 4 hours and the studying and reading at home added another 16 hours to me week. A 56 hour week anyone? Let’s just say I didn’t have a lot of free time anymore. I’m currently still debating whether I’m ready to finish it by finally writing my master thesis. This is to be continued!
Getting married, getting pregnant and having a baby
If the year 2024 has taught be one thing, it’s that things can turn really quickly. In a good way, don’t worry! At the beginning of 2024 we found out I was pregnant again, after a miscarriage in the summer of 2023. My anxiety was through the roof, but after surviving the first few months, I was in quiet waters again in terms of the pregnancy. But… there was a wedding to be celebrated! In April my then fiancĂ© and I got married (instead of August – that took some organizing) and went on a honeymoon (or… babymoon?). Anyways, after a very hot and sweaty summer, going to the Era’s Tour and visiting London during a heat wave, baby boy was born on September 20th! I’m not gonna go into the details but babies are a lot. A lot to love – yes! But also… a lot of work. I love every minute of being a mom, but having a baby also takes up literally every minute of the day. And we’re still learning how to be parents! Not a lot of time to read in that department…
But why come back now?
I miss blogging a lot and I feel like my life has now finally gotten into quiet waters again. I love creating videos and pictures for Instagram and TikTok, but I kinda miss longer form content like YouTube and blogs. So here I am, trying to get back into blogging. I’m not making any promises, but this: I’m going to try my hardest to make this work again! Don’t be surprised if the lay-out and theme of this website are going to change in the coming weeks and months, I’m still figuring out who I am and how I want this website to look to reflect my new personality.